Jorge Bo Smid's battle for legal recognition and protection of ManaTapu echoes the Māori people's fight for justice after Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Much like the treaty's broken promises, Jorge's rights as the sole owner of ManaTapu have been disregarded by corporate and media entities, including Facebook/META and media outlets such as Times of Malta and Lovin Malta. Despite registering the ManaTapu trademark (EUIPO No. 018093527), his ownership and creative authority have been consistently challenged and misrepresented, leading to global defamation and the violation of his intellectual property rights.
This legal fight is not just about Jorge's personal story but is symbolic of the broader issues faced by artists and creators worldwide. Much like the Māori, Jorge's voice has been ignored in legal channels, highlighting the enduring struggle for fair treatment, intellectual property recognition, and equality in a world where hierarchies and misinformation distort the truth.